

20歳から64歳までのビクトリア州民のうち半数以上が何らかの高等教育を受けています。ビクトリア州の労働力の 40 % が大学の学位を取得しており, これはオーストラリアの州の中でも最大の割合です。

Tap into highly skilled talent

Melbourne has more skilled professionals than many of its regional peers across evolving and critical sectors.

1ABS, Education and Work 2022, Table builder
4LinkedIn Talent Insights, October 2023
5Department of Education, Skills and Employment 2023
8ABS cat 6291.0.55.001
9Australian Biotechnology sector snapshot 2022

Melbourne is home to Australia’s highest ranked university and is the only Australian city with universities in the world’s top 5010

Melbourne’s world-class university sector is a driving force of business growth and innovation, with a skill-base deeper than anywhere else in Australia. We produce highly skilled talent from a diverse range of world-class institutions, including Monash University, La Trobe University, Victoria University, Deakin University, RMIT University, Swinburne University of Technology, Federation University and MCD University of Divinity.

  • The University of Melbourne and Monash University are the only two Australian universities to rank in the world’s top 50.1
  • The University of Melbourne is the highest ranked university in Australia.10
  • Victoria’s universities have outstanding employability outcomes, with The University of Melbourne, Monash University and RMIT ranked in global Top 100 and the University of Melbourne ranking 8th in the world.11

    10Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2023
    11QS World University Rankings, Graduate Employability Rankings 2022




1. Department of Education, Skills and Employment 2023

2. Data.gov.sg: Enrolment and Graduates by course 2023



Mid-career talent with transferrable skills ripe for upskilling

Melbourne’s highly skilled educated workforce offers a pool of mid-career professionals with transferable skills that can be quickly upskilled to meet industry and business needs. The Victorian Government is supporting this focus through initiatives such as the Digital Jobs program, which is training and upskilling mid-career Victorians so they can transition into digital careers and join the state’s thriving digital workforce.




参照: Census 2021, Community Profile

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